Monday, September 9, 2013

It's now D-Day (departure) minus 2, and counting.  The bags are out and ready for filling, I've checked all my tickets, itineraries, devices and chargers (even us old Luddites must now have devices before doing anything) and am on track to leave Durango at 7:30 Thursday morning.  Arrival in Paris is 7:00 Friday morning, then the train gets to Avignon at 14:30. ( I'm trying to get my head used to the 24 hour clock.)  If all works well, I should be met there by someone from Renault who will have my car.  I have leased a small Renault Clio with straight shift, just like when I was learning to drive about a hundred years ago.  After more than a year of planning, I'm so ready to just do this.

Here's a little back story on what "this" is.  I love France, and have often commented that I would like to spend an extended amount of time there, trying to really get to know the culture.  That thought was being discussed last summer with friends and my long suffering and very understanding spouse, when it hit me that if I don't do it now, I will never do it.  

In August, 2013, I turned 70.  That is worthy of a significant celebration, and I decided to give myself that extended trip to France to recognize that.  As I looked at options, I discovered language school, and realized that was exactly what I needed.  How can one understand a culture without knowing some of the language?  So on Monday, Sept. 16, I will start immersion in the French language at the Language in Provence school ( in St. Saturnin les Apt, Vaucluse, France.  There will be 2 weeks of language classes, during which I will stay in a French household.  Then I have rented a gite in the same village for the next 4 weeks, after which I'll go back to Paris for a few days, then home to Durango on Oct. 30. Une bonne fête d'anniversaire, n'est ce pas?

I hope to capture my thoughts, adventures, every day stuff, and all my sure-to-happen faux pas along the way, in this blog.  Joining me in France will be good friends Dottie Blanchard, for a few days in early Oct., Alice Washington, later in the month, and, at the end, my brother, Sam Isley, and sister in law, Claire, for the last 4 days in Provence and the time in Paris.  Except for that, I'll be on my own in the wilds of southern France---yeah, throw me in that briar patch.

There are, of course, other ways to commemorate 70 years of life, generally well-lived.  And I had another memorable celebration, thanks to some wonderful women friends in my wonderful adopted home town of Durango and the incredible Colorado mountains where we play.  Here's a quick look at how turning 70 is celebrated in the Rocky Mountains.

I'm arriving at the rustic cabin high on Red Mountain to have a sleepover with a few friends who will be nice to me (not) on this almost birthday day.  And I have no idea what is planned for me.

There were toasts, there was lots of food, there was laughing and tales of past adventures, 

                                                                   there was excellent
                                                                   mushrooming-- and                         

there was hiking in these gorgeous mountains.  Birthdays at 12,500 ft. are so much more special!

Thank you all for the great time.  Maintenant, je vais en France.  Stay tuned and share the fun with me.


  1. I'm very ready for your adventure, too, Trish and hope to hear of many petit adventures while you're in the midst of them. Among them, please do not forget to describe culinary experiences in detail and perhaps in photographs. And the markets! And the festivals! And the hiking! And the charming people you will meet! Come to think of it you might have no time at all for blogging, but I'll stay tuned just in case. Bon Voyage, my friend - yours is the classiest 70 BD celebration I've yet heard of. Missy

  2. Oh boy--I love this little story too! And since I am not quite a year behind you, I figure I had better start thinking this over before 70 is knocking on my door--but in fact we have--we are going on a sailing cruise in Croatia at the end of May--right before my big 70--but I'm all for lots of celebrating, so I am sure we can find additional ways to celebrate all throughout this year.
